1. Introduction Welcome to J’Adore Moi.

This policy explains how we handle and use your personal information and your rights in relation to that information. Find out more

2. Personal information we collect about you

We receive personal information about you that you give to us, that we collect from your visits to our Site and social media pages, and that we obtain from other sources. We only collect personal information which we need and that is relevant for the purposes for which we intend to use it.

3. Use of your personal information

We use your personal information for a variety of reasons. We rely on different legal grounds to process your personal information, depending on the purposes of our use and the risks to your privacy. You will only receive unsolicited email and SMS marketing communications from us if: (a) we have obtained your details in the course of a sale or negotiation for a sale of our products or Party Plan services and you have not objected to receiving such direct email and SMS marketing from us. Of course, we will only send you marketing emails and SMS messages that are based on similar products or services that you purchased from us and you will always have the opportunity to opt-out at any time; or (b) if you have consented to receive marketing email and SMS messages from us (you can opt-out of receiving them at any time). We do not share your personal information with companies that would send their marketing to you.

4. Disclosure of your personal information by us

We only disclose your personal information outside our business in limited circumstances. If we do, we will put in place a contract that requires recipients to protect your personal information, unless we are legally required to share that information. Any contractors or recipients that work for us will be obliged to follow our instructions. We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

5. Transfers of your personal information outside of Europe

We transfer your personal information outside of Europe. We take measures to protect your personal information.

6. Security and links to other websites

We take the security of your personal information seriously and use a variety of measures based on good industry practice to keep it secure. Nonetheless, transmissions over the internet and to our Site and social media pages may not be completely secure, so please exercise caution. When accessing links to other websites, their privacy policies, not ours, will apply to your personal information.

7. The periods for which we retain your personal information

We will not hold your personal information in an identifiable format for any longer than is necessary for the purposes for which we collected it. For certain purposes, we retain your personal information indefinitely (e.g. to suppress marketing messages) whilst for others, we retain it for a period of 7 years after the information is no longer required for business reasons so that we can deal with any legal proceedings that could arise.

8. Your rights in relation to your personal information

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal information under data protection law. In relation to certain rights, we may ask you for information to verify your identity and, where applicable, to help us to search for your personal information. Except in rare cases, we will respond to you within 30 days after we have received this information or, where no such information is required after we have received full details of your request.

9. Changes to our Privacy Policy

Please check this page regularly for changes to this policy. We will email you with changes if we hold a valid email address for you. Find out more

10. Contact and legal information

You can contact us with your queries in relation to this policy or for any other reason by post, email, or phone. Find out more

11. Klarna In order to offer you

Klarna’s payment methods, we might in the checkout pass your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna, in order for Klarna to assess whether you qualify for their payment methods and to tailor those payment methods for you. Your personal data transferred is processed in line with Klarna’s own privacy notice.